Dijkstra's Algorithm: Analysis
- Analyze the running time of Dijkstra's algorithm, assuming an incidence/adjacency list Graph implementation.
- Describe the role of support data structures in reducing the running time of Dijkstra's algorithm from quadratic to log-linear.
Here is the Dijkstra's Algorithm for finding shortest path:
for each vertex v
distance[v] = Infinity
previous[v] = null
explored[v] = false
distance[s] = 0 // s is the source
repeat N times
let v be unexplored vertex with smallest distance
explored[v] = true
for every u: unexplored neighbor(v)
d = distance[v] + weight[v,u]
if d < distance[u]
distance[u] = d
previous[u] = v
Exercise Analyze the complexity of SPF algorithm (use Big-Oh notation).
for each vertex v // O(N)
distance[v] = Infinity // O(1)
previous[v] = null // O(1)
explored[v] = false // O(1)
distance[s] = 0 // O(1)
repeat N times // O(N)
let v be unexplored vertex with smallest distance // O(?)
explored[v] = true // O(1)
for every u: unexplored neighbor(v) // O(neighbor(v))
d = distance[v] + weight[v,u] // O(1)
if d < distance[u] // O(1)
distance[u] = d // O(1)
drevious[u] = v // O(1)
Using incidence/adjacency list representation will make $\Omicron(\text{neighbor}(v))$ to be $\Omicron(\deg(v))$. Repeating this $N$ times will give runtime of $\Omicron(M)$ for this part of the algorithm.
Let's focus on $\Omicron(?)$:
- Finding (an unexplored) vertex with min distance is $\Omicron(N)$ if we store the "distances" in a linear data structure such as an array.
- Since the above will be repeated $N$ times, it pushes the running time of the algorithm to $\Omicron(N^2)$
- You can use a priority queue (min-heap; priority is distance) to get $\Omicron(\lg N)$ on finding (an unexplored) vertex with min distance.
- But you must also update the distances! How can you do that in Priority Queue? (This is left unanswered - you need it for HW8!)
If $\Omicron(?)$ is $\Omicron(\lg N)$ (using a [modified] priority queue that supports [amortized] O(1) priority update), we get total running time of $\Omicron(M + N \lg N)$.